Site notice

Postal address: 
Auto-Union-Straße 1
85057 Ingolstadt   

0800 283 4727   


AUDI AG is a stock corporation under German law, its head office is located in Ingolstadt.   

Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Carl H. Hahn

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:  
Manfred Döss

Board of Directors: 
Gernot Döllner, Chairman of the Board of Management
Oliver Hoffmann
Jürgen Rittersberger
Javier Ros Hernández
Renate Vachenauer
Gerd Walker
Hildegard Wortmann

AUDI AG is entered in the Commercial Register of Ingolstadt Local Court under the number HR B 1.   

The VAT registration number of AUDI AG is DE811115368.   

AUDI AG is neither willing nor obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure in front of a consumer arbitration board.   

Platform of the European Commission on online dispute resolution: